Pain is ‘…a clinically important condition that adversely affects an animal's quality of life.’[1]
'Given animals are sentient, and their welfare matters, managing and mitigating pain is necessary to provide animals with acceptable welfare and enable them to have A Good Life.
All animals, irrespective of their purpose or use, deserve to be safeguarded from unnecessary and/or unreasonable suffering (pain and distress).
Where possible, painful procedures should be avoided, and when this is not possible, pain relief should be provided.'
VAWA's Position | Pain will soon be out for member consultation - the statements above are a taster of what's included. In the meantime, click the link to read to our position on lamb pain during tailing and castration which are both significant surgical procedures.
'A precautionary and proactive approach to analgesia should be engaged when addressing tailing and castration pain in lambs; where pre-emptive and sustained ameliorative analgesia is not possible, imperfect, incremental steps towards provision of such analgesia to reduce lamb suffering should be employed.'