The final numbers

Why we need a national food strategy
In the face of food insecurity, a cost of living crisis, a climate emergency, growing geopolitical instability and some of the worst food-related health burdens in the developed world… a domestic food system that feeds New Zealanders well is more important than ever.
Our partners
VAWA partnered with EatNZ and Freedom Farms to run a campaign and parliamentary petition asking for a community-led, government-facilitated, values-based national food strategy. New Zealand shouldn't just be export focused - it's wrong that Kiwis go hungry and can't afford delicious, nutritious, locally grown food, while ever-increasing exports are celebrated. A national food strategy, focused on how we can fairly feed Kiwis our great food is a key element in developing a new food system.

Action is needed! We demand action! We need a national food strategy that serves New Zealand’s eaters, farmers and growers, processors and manufacturers, fishers, public health advocates, farmed animals, food waste campaigners, social support agencies, logistics and distribution folk, environmentalists, the hospo and beverage industry, retailers, industry bodies and kai sovereignty champions.
Everyone deserves a fair deal in our food system
and access to affordable, healthy kai.
Next steps
Next steps are to have the petition presented to the 54th Parliament and then being involved with the Petitions Select Committee process thereafter.
More information on why we need to #fixourfoodsystem